Features of Theryo

Discover the full suite of features Theryo offers to empower both individuals seeking mental health support and providers aiming to enhance their practice. Each feature is designed with user-centric benefits in mind, supported by the latest research in psychology and technology..


Mental Health Tracking

Utilize our AI-driven platform to monitor and manage your mental health progress with personalized dashboards that track mood patterns, therapy milestones, and more.

Gain deeper insights into your mental health journey, helping you and your provider make informed decisions that lead to better outcomes.

Supported by studies on behavioral data analysis, Theryo’s tracking features allow for tailored therapeutic approaches that improve patient engagement and success rates.


Therapy Guidance

Our platform performs secure, private analysis of user data to suggest customized therapeutic activities and resources.

Receive flexible and personalized therapy recommendations that adapt to your changing needs, helping you to achieve your mental health goals more efficiently.

Leveraging machine learning algorithms, Theryo’s recommendations are based on proven psychological principles and continuously updated research.


Reports & Summaries:

Theryo’s platform leverages sophisticated AI technology to generate detailed reports and summaries that capture the essence of an individual's progress and therapy sessions. This feature automatically compiles data collected through the platform, such as session notes, mood tracking inputs, and activity responses, to create comprehensive overviews of a user's mental health journey, and guides the evolution of the individual’s care plan.
For Individuals: 

These AI-generated summaries provide you with a clear view of your therapy progress, helping you understand the major themes and changes over time. This insight can empower you with self-awareness, highlighting areas of improvement and those requiring more attention, thereby facilitating more focused and productive therapy sessions.

For Providers: 

For therapists and mental health professionals, these reports offer a consolidated view of each client’s progress and session details, making it easier to track changes, patterns, and areas needing exploration. This greatly enhances the efficiency of therapy sessions by pinpointing key discussion topics and areas for further exploration without spending time sifting through notes or relying solely on memory.

AI-generated summaries and reports in therapeutic settings are backed by research that shows data-driven approaches can significantly improve the outcomes of therapy. By systematically analyzing and summarizing large volumes of data, Theryo’s AI helps bridge the gap between quantitative data and qualitative therapy insights, ensuring that both patients and therapists can make the most of their sessions. These tools are designed based on principles from clinical psychology, data analytics, and user experience to ensure they are both effective and user-friendly.

Impact on Therapy:

AI-generated summaries and reports in therapeutic settings are backed by research that shows data-driven approaches can significantly improve the outcomes of therapy. By systematically analyzing and summarizing large volumes of data, Theryo’s AI helps bridge the gap between quantitative data and qualitative therapy insights, ensuring that both patients and therapists can make the most of their sessions. These tools are designed based on principles from clinical psychology, data analytics, and user experience to ensure they are both effective and user-friendly.

Commitment to

Innovation & Research

We continually strive to improve our platform through ongoing research and innovation. By integrating advanced technology and the latest scientific findings in psychology and mental wellness, we ensure that Theryo will remain a leader in AI supported mental health care solutions.

Discover how

Theryo can transform your
approach to mental health.

Explore our features and join us on this journey Today.