About Us

Theryo merges AI technology with empathetic care to personalize mental health support. Our pillars: Innovation, Integrity, and Impact, drive us. We seamlessly integrate therapy into daily life, optimizing every interaction for well-being. Join us in reshaping mental health care.

Our Philosophy:

Empowering Every
Step of the Journey

We believe mental health care should be as unique as the individuals it serves. Our foundation is built upon the principle that technology can and should enhance human connections, not replace them.

Theryo was born from a desire to make mental health care accessible, personalized, and effective, transforming the way we understand and manage mental wellness.

Our Story:

Bridging Technology & Care

Founded by visionaries Alex Zervakos and Kanji Kawanabe, Theryo started as a small idea with a profound potential: to merge cutting-edge AI with a means to provide insight and empathetic mental health care as a team. Our founders saw the gaps in traditional mental health services—long waits, misunderstandings, limited access, one-size-fits-all approaches—and recognized the transformative power of AI to fill these gaps. From there, Theryo grew into a platform that supports not just those seeking help but also the professionals providing that help.

Our Commitment:

Innovation, Integrity, & Impact

Innovation: We’re driven by innovation.Our proprietary AI algorithms are designed to adapt and evolve, ensuring that our users always have access to effective, personalized mental health tools.
Integrity:  We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards. Your trust is vital, and we earn it by prioritizing your privacy and the security of your data. At Theryo, transparency guides every decision we make, both in our technology and our business practices.
Impact:  Ultimately, our goal is to make a positive impact. We measure our success by the real changes we see in our users' lives—greater well-being, improved relationships, and a deeper understanding of oneself.
For providers, our impact is seen in assisting in more effective therapies, satisfied clients, and a stronger connection and sense of professional fulfillment.
Our Vision:

Seamless Support for
Enhanced Therapy

Mental health support shouldn't feel like a separate task. That's why we're creating tools to make it more accessible, effective, and integrated into your life.

Getting the most out of therapy should be easy – and that's the driving force behind Theryo. Our platform doesn't replace therapy, but significantly enhances it.

By empowering both individuals and providers, Theryo optimizes every therapy interaction, fostering greater well-being, happier lives, and overall better health.

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future of mental health.

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