Welcome to


Collaborative Insights
Mindful Outcomes

At Persona IQ, we believe that understanding and nurturing your mental health should be as intuitive and personalized as your physical fitness journey.



Collaborative Tools:

Foster a stronger connection with your mental healthcare providers through features designed for joint planning and progress tracking that evolves with you on your journey.

Continuous Support:

Benefit from ongoing guidance and educational resources, empowering you to take control of your mental health journey and achieve lasting well-being.

Expedited Education:

Learn more about who you are through curated exercises that provide targeted discussions that you and your team can work through together.

Data-Driven Decisions:

Leverage the power of advanced analytics to enhance therapeutic outcomes, with actionable insights that help both individuals and providers make informed decisions.


Navigate Your Wellness Journey
with AI Precision — Welcome
to Theryo

Our platform harnesses AI technology and sophisticated data analytics to precisely tailor mental health support to your individual needs.

Whether you are seeking personal support or you are a provider aiming to enhance your care delivery, Theryo equips you with the necessary tools to ensure more focused and effective interventions.

Experience a new standard in mental health care, where innovative technology meets personalized care, making well-being more accessible and effective for everyone.

Join us as we redefine mental health support, empowering individuals and providers to excel and flourish, making vast improvements in shorter amounts of time.

Why Choose Theryo?

Personalized Mental Health Journeys
For Individuals and Providers:

At Theryo, we amplify the therapeutic experience with our advanced AI, designed to enrich—not replace—the vital work done by individuals and providers in mental health care.


Empowering Personalized Mental Health Journeys

Our proprietary AI algorithms intricately tailor resources and support to align precisely with your unique needs. This integration enhances the therapeutic process by deepening your understanding of complex emotions, refining session focus, and optimizing the use of time. Theryo suggests insightful questions and relevant discussion topics, ensuring each session is attuned to your specific mental health needs.

For individuals, Theryo acts as a conscientious companion on your journey to well-being, always ready with insights tailored to your growth and challenges. For providers, Theryo serves as a collaborative partner, enhancing your ability to craft highly personalized interventions with unmatched accuracy.


Ready to maximize your mental
health journey or enhance your
therapeutic practice?

Join Theryo today.